Doctoral candidates and scientists discussing with Dr. Ulrike Bauer, Managing Director of the National Register for Congenital Heart Defects., Wolfram Scheible für Nationales Register © Wolfram Scheible für Nationales Register

About Us

Heart-Explorer - The Magazine

Research is exciting! It can fascinate us, wear us down, surprise us - and it motivates us. It is absolutely essential when it comes to our health, particularly in the field of congenital heart disease. What do researchers and physicians experience? What does that mean for the patients? What is the news and which doors to our future does research open? We investigate. Read here what we have been finding out. Or, if you like, you can subscribe to our newsletter.


Newly Remolded Website, New Newsletter

Dear Heart-Explorers,
This is going to be YOUR magazine. In the course of remodeling our website, we link our newsletter to the magazine to enable you to stay up to date about our research and the people behind it. We are excited to learn about your subject suggestions and ideas for the Heart-Explorer Magazine. Sure, the first serve is on us! And then it is your turn. Get involved and let us know what you wish for! You will receive the first newsletter in the spring of the new year by mail or, if you wish, by e-mail. Feel free to start browsing the Heart-Explorer Magazine already now, we will continue adding content on a step-by-step basis.

Inside News

From Research and Practice

What Researchers Say

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