Heart ambassadors

"A Miracle for Levi!"

Levi at the field hockey game. © Nationales Register | privat

Mitglied im Herzregister

My pregnancy went completely without complications. There was nothing to indicate that anything was wrong.

The turn came with the birth. Levi was immediately separated from us. A few hours later, we learned what was going on. Our decision to deliver the baby in a hospital with an intensive care unit had obviously saved our son's life: Levi had a transposition of the great arteries and a patent foramen ovale. I did not realize the magnitude of such a diagnosis at the time. My husband, however, himself a physician by profession, commented with an expression on his face that I had never seen on him before.

For Levi, medicine had performed the miracle he had hoped for.

On his fifth day of life, pediatric heart surgeons were able to correct Levi's heart defect, in an eleven-hour switch operation. There were complications: Levi suffered postoperative sepsis and right-sided diaphragmatic paralysis. Two and a half months later, everything was over and we were able to leave the hospital. For Levi, medicine had performed the miracle he had hoped for.

Every year, the doctors rejoice with us over the excellent surgical result.

That was nine years ago now. The doctors rejoice with us every year about the excellent surgical result: "Our son is almost heart healthy". Levi is growing up without any restrictions. For us parents, it is important not to make a "big deal" out of his heart defect. We want Levi to grow up as "normally" as possible, just like his heart-healthy younger brother.

Sports and his team give him self-confidence and a zest for life.

Levi loves sports in any form, especially field hockey and soccer. He has been practicing field and indoor field hockey twice a week at the club since he was 5 years old. Many weekends we travel together to tournaments and game days. I think the sport and his team give him a lot of self-confidence and joy of life. Or in Levi's words, "Mom, I'm happiest when I'm playing sports."

We have research to thank for that.

On the pediatric cardiology (intensive care) unit, we met many children. Not all of them fared as well as Levi. When we tell our story, we often hear what a misfortune such a heart defect is. Our experience is quite different. We were very lucky that Levi's complicated heart defect was detected so quickly and treated so well. We have the pediatric cardiology team and medical research to thank for that. That's why we support the heart registry.

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