Love, Sexuality and Pregnancy
How’s the Love Life?
Problems of Women with Congenital Heart Disease are Underrated
Scientific name of the study
Sexuality and reproductive health in women with congenital heart disease
A fulfilled sex life can enhance the quality of life significantly. A team of researchers at the Competence Network for Congenital Heart Defects has now examined how congenital heart disease influences womens’ sexuality.
The Role of Congenital Heart Disease has been Underrated
536 women answered questions regarding their sexuality within the scope of a study by the Competence Network for Congenital Heart Defects. The study revealed that the role heart disease plays for the sex life has been underrated previously.
Heart Problems During Sex
Women with congenital heart disease and women with cyanotic heart disease experience their “first time” at an average age of 18 years, which is slightly later than it is the case in the general population. Nine percent of the women complained of physical discomfort before, during or after sexual intercourse, which were all connected to their heart disease.
Women with severe heart disease or fairly severe physical limitations due to the heart disease, as well as female patients with cyanotic heart disease more frequently reported problems such as shortness of breath, exhaustion and rhythm disorders while being sexually active.
An Important Subject for the Physician-Patient-Talk
For those affected, being able to get comprehensive and impartial information about this subject is particularly important. That is why researchers are asking for sexual health to be considered more strongly.
Scientific Details of the Study
Learn more about the study design, material and methods, as well as the background of the study.
Sexuality and reproductive health in women with congenital heart disease.
Vigl M1, Kaemmerer M, Niggemeyer E, Nagdyman N, Seifert-Klauss V, Trigas V, Bauer U, Schneider KT, Berger F, Hess J, Kaemmerer H.
Am J Cardiol. 2010 Feb 15;105(4):538-41.Learn more about the study design, material and methods, as well as the background of the study:
Sexuality and reproductive health in women with congenital heart disease.
Vigl M, Kaemmerer M, Niggemeyer E, Nagdyman N, Seifert-Klauss V, Trigas V, Bauer U, Schneider KTM, Berger F, Hess J, Kaemmerer H
The American journal of cardiology 105, 4, 538-41, (2010). Show this publication on PubMed.